Mastering the FERC XBRL Taxonomy Step by Step

April 12, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0

One of the latest changes to the reporting standards set out by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the incorporation of XBRL into financial reports. Stakeholders must grasp and make good use of the FERC XBRL Taxonomy as they traverse this uncharted territory. To help you become proficient with the new reporting framework and guarantee efficiency and compliance, we have put together this detailed tutorial. When it comes to the interstate transfer of oil, natural gas, and electricity, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is indispensable to American energy providers. There will be far-reaching effects on sector-wide reporting, compliance, and operational processes as a result of the decision to revise the XBRL taxonomy.  

To help readers better understand and apply the new taxonomy updates, this blog provides in-depth explanations of each step. 


Accessing the FERC XBRL Taxonomy 

The first step in navigating the FERC XBRL Taxonomy is accessing the necessary resources. Stakeholders can find the latest taxonomy updates, documentation, and related materials on the FERC website or designated portals. It’s imperative to familiarize yourself with these resources to ensure accurate reporting. The FERC XBRL Taxonomy is structured hierarchically, with elements organized into a logical framework. Understanding this structure is essential for locating specific data points relevant to your reporting requirements. Take the time to explore the taxonomy and acquaint yourself with its organization to streamline your reporting process. 


Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the New FERC XBRL Taxonomy 

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is crucial for energy companies in the United States, overseeing the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. Its move to update the XBRL  taxonomy is significant, affecting compliance, reporting, and operational procedures across the sector. 

Step 1: Grasp the Scope of Updates 

First and foremost, stakeholders should clearly understand what the new taxonomy updates entail. The 2024 updates, particularly versions 2024-01-01 and 2024-04-01, introduce refined taxonomies, enhanced validation rules, and updated rendering files. These are designed to streamline the data reporting process for crucial FERC forms, improving accuracy and regulatory compliance. Take the time to read through FERC’s official announcements and updates to grasp the extent and intent of these changes. 

Step 2: Access and Download the Taxonomy Files 
  • To start using the new taxonomy: 
  • Visit the FERC eCollection portal, which serves as the central hub for accessing these resources. 
  • In the portal, navigate to the ‘Taxonomy History’ section, which lists all the available taxonomy versions. Here, you will find options to download the latest taxonomy packages relevant to your reporting needs. 

Ensure you select the appropriate taxonomy version for your requirements, as using the incorrect version can lead to reporting errors and compliance issues. 

Step 3: Thoroughly Review the Accompanying Documentation 
  • FERC provides comprehensive documentation alongside each taxonomy update. This documentation is crucial as it includes: 
  • Detailed explanations of changes in the taxonomy. 
  • Instructions on applying the validation rules. 

Guidance on using the rendering files effectively. Reviewing this documentation thoroughly cannot be overstated—it’s essential for correctly implementing the changes in your reporting processes. 

Step 4: Engage in the Testing Process 
  • FERC encourages stakeholders to actively test the new taxonomy updates through: 
  • XBRLview, is a tool provided by FERC for previewing how your reports will look under the new taxonomy. 

Submission of test filings, which allows you to identify and correct any discrepancies or issues before the taxonomy becomes mandatory. Participating in this testing phase is invaluable as it provides a safety net against potential non-compliance or data integrity issues once the taxonomy is officially implemented. 

Step 5: Provide Constructive Feedback 
  • Feedback plays a pivotal role in refining the taxonomy updates. To provide feedback: 
  • Utilize the feedback tools and portals provided on the XBRLview website. 
  • Directly email your feedback to the designated FERC email address for taxonomy updates. Ensure that your feedback is detailed, constructive, and includes practical examples or suggestions for further improvement. 
Step 6: Stay Informed on Updates and Amendments 
  • Taxonomies are not static; they evolve based on industry needs, stakeholder feedback, and regulatory changes. To stay updated: 
  • Regularly visit the FERC eForms and XBRLview portals. 
  • Subscribe to FERC announcements or set up alerts for notifications on changes or additional updates. 
  • Engage with industry forums or groups that discuss XBRL reporting and FERC regulations. 
Step 7: Educate and Train Your Team 
  • The effectiveness of implementing the new taxonomy across your organization largely depends on your team’s understanding and readiness. Organize training sessions that include: 
  • Detailed walkthroughs of the new taxonomy. 
  • Demonstrations of using the XBRLview tool. 
  • Discussions on the importance of compliance and the implications of the new taxonomy. These sessions will ensure that everyone involved in the reporting process is knowledgeable and prepared for the transition. 


Participating in Testing Phases 

FERC often conducts testing phases to solicit feedback from stakeholders and refine the taxonomy based on their input. Engaging in these testing phases provides an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the taxonomy and ensure that it meets the needs of all stakeholders. Make sure to actively participate and provide constructive feedback during these testing periods. 

Submitting Feedback 

In addition to participating in testing phases, stakeholders can submit feedback directly to FERC regarding the XBRL taxonomy. Whether it’s suggestions for improvement, clarifications on specific elements, or insights into usability issues, your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future development of the taxonomy. Be proactive in sharing your experiences and suggestions with FERC to drive continuous improvement. 

Implementing Best Practices 

As you navigate the FERC XBRL Taxonomy, it’s essential to adhere to best practices to ensure accuracy and compliance in reporting. This includes maintaining consistency in tagging, documenting any deviations from standard practices, and staying updated on taxonomy updates and revisions. By following best practices, you can streamline your reporting process and minimize errors. 

Numerous tools and resources are available to assist stakeholders in navigating the FERC XBRL Taxonomy effectively. From software applications specifically designed for XBRL reporting to online tutorials and user guides, leveraging these resources can enhance your understanding and proficiency in using the taxonomy. 

Connect with Us 

For those brimming with questions or in need of assistance navigating these transformative changes, rest assured, IRIS CARBON® is positioned as your strategic ally. A seamless transition is a shared business objective, and our seasoned experts stand ready to provide the necessary business support, ensuring that regulatory changes become a strategic lever for excellence. 



Navigating through FERC’s XBRL taxonomy updates is a detailed process that requires understanding, preparation, and active engagement. Remember, the goal of these updates is to streamline and improve the accuracy of regulatory reporting, benefiting the entire energy sector.  

By understanding the basics, accessing relevant resources, participating in testing phases, and implementing best practices, stakeholders can navigate the FERC XBRL Taxonomy with confidence, ensuring accurate and efficient reporting.

Want to simplify your FERC XBRL compliance?

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