Statutory Reporting for Publicly Traded Companies: Key Considerations and Best Practices

April 11, 2023by Team IRIS CARBON0

Every CFO and finance executive must be able to successfully navigate the crucial area of statutory reporting in order to efficiently manage the finances. Throughout this intricate procedure, required financial reports must be prepared and submitted to numerous regulatory agencies in order to meet legal and accounting requirements. The complexity of statutory reporting will be thoroughly examined in this piece, giving readers important information they need to manage their company’s financial report responsibilities.

We will look at typical issues that finance professionals run into during the statutory reporting process and talk about methods to make these processes run more quickly and accurately. We will also look at how technology can be used to improve statutory reporting capabilities and what best practices to follow for effective execution.

You can make sure your company stays in compliance with legal obligations while maximizing your financial operations by comprehending the subtleties of statutory reporting and putting into place practical solutions.


It entails providing important stakeholders, including external auditors, regulatory authorities, and investors, with reports and records that are legally necessary. These reports must adhere to the criteria specified by accounting regulations and be accurate, timely, and thorough.

The creation of financial statements that include quantitative data from prior years, such as an income statement or balance sheet, is the first step in the statutory reporting process. Businesses are required to ensure that their financial records adhere to any applicable accounting standards, such as IFRS or GAAP. When submitting their documents for assessment, businesses must also follow any further guidelines issued by regulatory bodies.

Companies can then submit their finished statutory report, along with supporting documentation like bank statements or audit notes for approval by outside parties, when all pertinent information has been obtained and validated. It might be difficult and time-consuming to compile the essential data for a statutory report and to evaluate it. However, if mistakes are discovered throughout this procedure, it could result in expensive delays in the approval of the report or even fines from regulators if differences cannot be sufficiently clarified or fixed within a specific deadline.

To avoid any potential errors and maintain compliance with applicable requirements, organizations must be aware of the complexities involved with statutory reporting.

The introduction gives a general overview of the significance and difficulty of statutory reporting, which is further discussed in the heading after that. For CFOs and other finance leaders, comprehending statutory reporting is a crucial step in ensuring compliance with international rules.

Understanding Statutory Reporting

Public corporations must provide data to regulatory bodies as part of statutory financial reporting in order to comply with the laws and rules that apply to their industry. Investors must have access to accurate, timely, and comprehensive financial information in order to assess a publicly traded company’s performance.

Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, shareholder equity statements, footnotes describing the organization’s accounting principles, and notes on related party transactions are examples of statutory reports. Law, like IFRS or GAAP, imposes certain requirements for each type of report.

For publicly traded corporations, statutory reporting is crucial since it helps regulators ensure compliance while giving investors information about the business’s financial health. Based on the company’s current performance, investors use this information to decide whether to buy or sell shares of that company. Authorities rely heavily on these documents to ensure that publicly traded corporations follow all relevant rules and laws. Legislative reporting ensures that a company’s financial information is correct so that investors may feel confident in their investments and that regulators can have faith in the moral character of those same companies.

Statutory reporting is a difficult and constantly changing process that needs in-depth knowledge to assure correctness. Recognizing the typical problems associated with statutory reporting is crucial for lowering potential risks.

Common Challenges in Statutory Reporting

For every international organization, statutory reporting is a crucial component of financial management. It entails the creation and delivery of legally necessary reports to important parties, including regulators, investors, and external auditors. For this method to be compliant with the appropriate accounting standards and regulatory requirements, precise quantitative data from prior years is required.

When it comes to statutory reporting, global organizations frequently run into issues with inadequate resources, lack of access to trustworthy data sources, inaccurate or incomplete information in financial statements, insufficient internal controls over financial processes and systems, and difficulty reconciling accounts across multiple jurisdictions and entities due to different regulations or tax regimes. Businesses must implement strategies to deal with these issues if they want to assure compliance and accuracy in their reports for important stakeholders like external auditors, regulators, investors, and other interested parties. In order to achieve the intended results and adhere to regulatory standards, best practices must be used.

By establishing best practices for assuring compliance and accurate reporting, organizations may stay ahead of the curve. This calls for having adequate staffing levels, making investments in quality assurance procedures, developing standard operating procedures that detail each step of the financial reporting process, automating manual tasks like reconciliation with automated tools, conducting routine reviews of internal control systems to keep them up-to-date, and maintaining a comprehensive set of records for each jurisdiction/entity, including current laws and regulations governing statutory filing requirements. Businesses will be able to overcome these obstacles and accomplish their targeted results in this way while staying on top of regulatory standards.

Organizations will be able to lower their risk exposure while enhancing accuracy and dependability when presenting crucial documents like income statements and balance sheets externally by adopting proactive measures to solve typical difficulties linked to statutory reporting. Companies can build stakeholder trust and free up time for more strategic tasks by taking proactive measures to address statutory reporting problems.

Statutory reporting can be a difficult and time-consuming process that forces firms to keep up with several rules. Thankfully, there are methods that can simplify the mandatory reporting procedure and lower compliance risks.

Key Takeaway: Global firms must adopt best practices including adequate personnel levels, investing in quality assurance processes, automating manual operations with automated tools, and maintaining a comprehensive set of records in order to assure compliance and accuracy in their regulatory reporting. Businesses can lower risk exposure and increase confidence with important stakeholders by adopting proactive measures to solve typical difficulties related to statutory reporting.

Strategies for Streamlining Statutory Reporting

For large firms, statutory reporting can be a difficult and time-consuming process. It is crucial to create methods that expedite the procedure while still adhering to regulatory criteria in order to ensure correct reporting and compliance.

Using automated solutions is one of the best methods to simplify statutory reporting. Automatic solutions enable businesses to generate reports fast and with little manual work, which lowers errors and saves critical time. Moreover, automated solutions provide instantaneous financial information comprehension, helping firms to better understand their outcomes in various legal systems and identify areas in need of additional resources or assistance.

Using standardized templates designed for regions or nations is another method for expediting mandatory reporting. Standardized templates make it simpler for businesses to combine data from several sources into a single report without needing to manually enter information every time a new report is required. Companies can save time and lessen the chance of errors when combining information from several sources by using standardized templates.

Organizations should use cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline their statutory reporting processes. Large volumes of data may be stored by businesses in the cloud while still being accessible securely from any location with internet access at any time—essential for today’s highly mobile workforce. Businesses can quickly analyze enormous amounts of unstructured data using artificial intelligence (AI) and do so with greater accuracy than they could with previous approaches. This allows companies to quickly obtain a deeper understanding of their financial operations across many marketplaces.

Organizations can assure compliance while reducing costs by comprehending the complexity of statutory reporting and proactively implementing ways to streamline the process. A crucial component of this effort is utilizing technology; let’s look at how it may be applied to further optimize your regulatory reporting procedures.

Key Takeaway: In order to gain a deeper understanding of financial operations quickly, the strategies for streamlining statutory reporting involve using automated solutions and standardized templates to reduce errors and time spent as well as cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide secure access anytime, anywhere with internet connectivity.

The Role of Technology in Statutory Reporting

The use of technology has evolved into a crucial management tool for the intricate requirements of global statutory reporting. Each country in which a company conducts business has its own requirements, and technology can make this process more efficient. Organizations can lower expenses, increase accuracy, and ensure local legal compliance by utilizing the appropriate solutions.

Cost, scalability, ease of use, and integration capabilities should all be considered when choosing a technological solution for statutory reporting. Software packages may offer a variety of characteristics that change depending on the requirements of a company. For instance, some solutions may offer automated data gathering from numerous sources or permit customers to design unique reports that cater to their needs. As a bonus, some applications provide capabilities like audit trails or integrated workflow management that make it simpler to monitor changes over time and guarantee correctness for all regulatory filings.

The capability of a technology solution to integrate with current systems within the infrastructure of your firm is another important consideration. By doing this, you’ll be able to utilize current data sets without needing to manually enter data into several programs or databases for each sort of legally needed report. Additionally, it guarantees that any changes made in one system are reflected in all associated documents, minimizing errors brought on by human entry errors or the use of out-of-date information in files.

Finally, search for software that includes built-in analytics tools so you can quickly spot trends in your filing history and better predict future requirements based on historical patterns. This enables financial teams to keep on top of evolving rules while lowering the chance of incurring costly audit due diligence mistakes or non-compliance penalties.

Ultimately, choosing the appropriate technology solution for statutory reporting necessitates careful thought based on both immediate business demands and long-term goals. Considering aspects like price, scalability, usability, integrations, analytics capabilities, and more can help you choose a platform that satisfies both the expectations of the present and expected future demands. Companies that take these factors into account can benefit from increased automation-related efficiency improvements and enhanced risk management for global regulatory compliance.

The importance of technology in mandatory reporting has been critical to the development of the contemporary business environment. It is necessary to be familiar with the most recent methods of statutory reporting in order to maintain compliance with international regulations.

Key Takeaway: Organizations should choose a technology solution for statutory reporting that is affordable, scalable, user-friendly, and interfaces effectively with their existing infrastructure in order to assure compliance with local regulations and maximize efficiency. These solutions offer strong analytics capabilities for predicting future needs based on past trends, helping to lower the chance of expensive audit errors.

Best Practices for Statutory Reporting

For many firms, statutory reporting is a challenging and frequently confusing undertaking. Finance leaders must stay current on the best practices for statutory reporting as requirements continue to change in order to comply with the most recent laws and guidelines.

While producing reports, it’s crucial to consider any pertinent modifications to the legislation or industry standards in order to ensure accuracy and compliance. For statutory reporting, this entails routinely examining the current accounting rules, practices, controls, and processes. It’s also advantageous for businesses to understand both their current financial situation and any prospective future developments that could have an impact on regulatory requirements.

Clarity should be the priority when producing reports for submission so that regulators and other stakeholders can quickly comprehend the information provided. All information must be presented clearly and succinctly, without needless jargon or technical phrases, in order to accomplish this purpose. In addition, reports should provide thorough justifications for any departures from earlier periods or projections so that readers may fully comprehend the state of the company’s finances at the time of filing.

When it comes to streamlining the statutory reporting process, technology has completely changed the game, allowing finance teams to gain greater visibility into their operations and quickly consolidate sizable amounts of data across numerous foreign locations and currencies without sacrificing accuracy. Automatic solutions avoid potential mistakes brought on by human error or ignorance of complex subjects like foreign exchange rates or regional tax regulations, which can differ depending on the location of commercial activity. Real-time insights into performance measures also offer a priceless tool for future strategic planning endeavors.

When creating timely submissions, especially when there are strict deadlines involved, having clear internal communication channels across the departments involved is essential. The potential for delays later in the process owing to misunderstandings regarding roles and duties is reduced by setting up regular meetings between the various stakeholders, including IT, Accounting, Legal, etc.

Organizations can make sure that their financial statements abide by national and international standards by adhering to the best practices for statutory reporting. Let’s analyze our findings after looking at the many approaches to efficiently managing this important work.
Statutory reporting is a challenging responsibility for firms, necessitating that finance executives keep up with industry best practices and evolving legal requirements. By aggregating data rapidly without sacrificing accuracy, automated solutions can speed up the process. Internal communication mechanisms established amongst the departments involved in the report development will also help to ensure that submissions are made on time.


Companies need to implement the appropriate strategies to optimize their statutory reporting processes in order to ensure compliance with constantly evolving requirements. Finance professionals may perform this crucial work more effectively with the use of technology.

Automating tedious procedures, applying data analytics tools to spot trends, and deploying cloud solutions that provide safe access from anywhere are all examples of best practices for effective statutory reporting. To ensure that they can modify their systems appropriately, it is critical that businesses be informed of any changes to the legislation. CFOs and other finance professionals can help lower expenses while assuring the accuracy of their financial statements and other reports that are needed by regulators by taking these actions.

Statutory reporting is a requirement for all publicly traded firms doing business internationally, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult chore if the necessary steps are made to streamline the procedure using technology solutions like automation and data analytics tools. Also, keeping up with evolving regulations can aid in developing a productive system that provides accurate financial statements while cutting costs related to compliance-related operations.

Ready to streamline your statutory reporting process and achieve compliance with ease?

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