XBRL US’s Response to the SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal


XBRL US is stepping up to the plate with their take on the SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal. These folks are like the seasoned pros of financial reporting, offering some solid advice and insights. They’re all about making things easier, suggesting ways to streamline the submission process and keep things clear and consistent. It’s like having a seasoned guide showing you the ropes in a complex world. So, let’s take a closer look at what XBRL US has to say and see how their recommendations can help us navigate this new landscape of the Security-Based-Swaps taxonomy. 

Recapping SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal 

Let’s get a clearer understanding of the SEC’s 2024 Security-Based-Swaps Taxonomy Proposal. Think of it as a sophisticated tagging game where every piece of data gets its own shiny new label. This isn’t just about adding a splash of colour to your spreadsheets; it’s about bringing order to the chaos of security-based swaps reporting. Here’s what the proposal covers: 

Compliance Information

Previously, reporting compliance could feel like navigating a maze. Now, with the SBS taxonomy, every compliance requirement gets a clear label. This makes tracking and verifying compliance straightforward and ensures you know exactly what’s needed and where it fits in. 

Financial Strength

The SEC’s proposal mandates standardized tags for all financial data. This means everyone reports their financial health in the same way, making it easy to compare and understand. It’s like using a common language for financial reporting, ensuring clarity and consistency across the board. 

Conflict of Interest

The SBS taxonomy assigns specific tags to disclose any conflicts of interest. This promotes transparency and reduces the chances of errors. It’s about making sure everything is out in the open, so there are no surprises or hidden agendas. 

Risk Management

Swap trading organizations must tag their risk management procedures clearly. This ensures comprehensive and transparent reporting of how risks are managed. It’s like having a clear map of potential challenges, so everyone knows what to expect and how to handle it. 


Things To Get Better with SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal? 

Let’s explore the potential improvements that the SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal could bring: 

Enhanced Regulatory Oversight 

With standardized tagging, regulators like the SEC can analyze data more efficiently. This means they can better monitor and enforce regulations, leading to a more robust and secure market environment. 

Reduced Reporting Burden 

The draft taxonomy simplifies the reporting process for swap trading entities. This streamlining can boost productivity and lower expenses, as companies spend less time and resources on preparing and filing data. 

Improved Data Accuracy 

Standardized tags significantly reduce the chances of errors when entering data. This enhances the dependability and correctness of the information provided, benefiting both regulators and market participants. 

Increased Transparency 

Consistent tagging promotes transparency in security-based swap reporting. Market participants and regulators alike can benefit from clearer and more accessible data, leading to a more transparent market overall. 


What’s The XBRL US’s Response To This? 

XBRL US is a nonprofit standards organization focused on enhancing reporting efficiency and quality in the U.S. through the adoption of business reporting standards. Here is what their response to SEC’s 2024 SBS taxonomy looks like: 


  1. Submission to EDGAR 
  • New entities subject to Regulation SE may require additional time to understand and navigate the EDGAR submission process. 
  • XBRL US suggests implementing an education program to assist these entities in becoming familiar with EDGAR submission procedures. 


  1. Technical Taxonomy Issues 
  • Standard Labels: XBRL US recommends maintaining consistency in the use of brackets in standard labels to avoid confusion with other taxonomies. 
  • Documentation Labels: The organization suggests adding documentation labels, especially for elements that may need further clarification. 
  • Element Names: XBRL US proposes including vowels in element names for easier recognition. Currently, element names omit vowels, making them less identifiable. 


Support Offered 

XBRL US is prepared to assist with educational efforts and guidance related to the draft SBS Taxonomy. 


iXBRL: Need of the Hour? 

Here’s why swap trading firms should adopt Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language (iXBRL) for their electronic filings: 

Seamless Integration with Taxonomy 

  • The draft SBS taxonomy and other standardized taxonomies are seamlessly integrated with iXBRL. 
  • iXBRL’s integrated tags match the taxonomy’s elements, ensuring accurate and effective reporting. 

Error Reduction and Efficiency 

  • Manual data entry errors are minimized as data points are pre-defined and connected to appropriate tags. 
  • iXBRL’s tagging structure reduces the likelihood of mistakes in electronic filings. 

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements 

  • The SEC mandates the use of iXBRL for electronic filings under the SBSEF rule. 
  • Implementing iXBRL ensures compliance and helps avoid potential penalties for non-compliance. 

Enhanced Data Analysis and Utilization 

  • iXBRL filings with embedded tags allow for in-depth examination of reported data, pattern spotting, and risk evaluation. 
  • This enables better market regulation and more informed decision-making. 

Future-Proof Reporting Procedures 

  • iXBRL is a standard that evolves to meet new regulatory requirements. 
  • Swap trading organizations can rely on iXBRL to remain compliant with SBS taxonomy updates and future regulatory changes. 


Challenges With iXBRL Reporting 

iXBRL reporting comes with its challenges, primarily related to its complexity and the need for specialized tagging. Here are some key challenges: 

  • Complexity: iXBRL, or Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language, is more complex than traditional formats because it combines human-readable text with machine-readable tags. This dual nature makes it harder to prepare and understand, as it requires familiarity with both narrative content and technical tagging. 
  • Tagging Accuracy: One of the biggest hurdles is ensuring that tags accurately represent the data’s intended meaning. This requires a deep understanding of both the specific reporting requirements and the iXBRL format itself. Mis-tagging can lead to misinterpretation of data, which can have serious consequences. 
  • Software Compatibility: Creating and validating iXBRL files requires specialized software. Companies may need to invest in new tools or upgrade their existing systems to handle iXBRL, which can be costly. Ensuring that these tools are compatible with their current processes and systems is another challenge. 
  • Training and Education: Staff need to be trained to understand and effectively use iXBRL. This involves learning the technical aspects of the format and the specific tagging requirements. The need for training adds to the overall implementation cost and time. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: iXBRL is often used for regulatory reporting, meaning companies must stay up-to-date with changes in regulations and updates to the iXBRL taxonomy. This ongoing requirement demands continuous attention and resources to ensure compliance, adding another layer of complexity to the process. 


IRIS CARBON®’s iXBRL Reporting To The Rescue 

Say goodbye to manual tagging and validation headaches. IRIS CARBON® automates the XBRL/iXBRL tagging process, ensuring that your financial reports comply with regulatory mandates. With built-in validation checks and error detection mechanisms, you can trust that your filings are accurate and error-free.  

  • Automated Tagging: IRIS CARBON® automatically tags financial data with XBRL/iXBRL metadata based on predefined rules and mappings, eliminating the need for manual tagging and reducing the risk of errors.  
  • Validation and Error Detection: The platform performs real-time validation checks to identify inconsistencies and errors in XBRL/iXBRL files, allowing users to address issues promptly and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. 
  • Software Compatibility: The platform provides a seamless solution that is compatible with various software systems, ensuring that you can easily integrate it into your existing infrastructure without the need for additional investment in new software. 
  • Training and Education: IRIS CARBON® offers comprehensive training resources, including online tutorials, webinars, and onsite training sessions tailored to your organization’s needs. This ensures that your staff is well-equipped to use the platform effectively, minimizing the need for extensive training and education efforts at your end. 


The SEC’s 2024 SBS Taxonomy Proposal and XBRL US’s guidance simplify and enhance swaps reporting. Despite iXBRL’s complexity, IRIS CARBON® streamlines the process with automated tagging, validation, and training, ensuring compliance and efficiency. We hope this blog helped answer your questions and provided valuable insights. 

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