What the IFC and IFRS Foundation’s New Partnership Means for Sustainability Reporting in Emerging Market

August 1, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0

Sustainability reporting has become a cornerstone for businesses worldwide, offering transparency and accountability regarding their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts. Emerging markets, often characterized by rapid economic growth and significant environmental challenges, face unique hurdles in implementing robust sustainability practices. The recent partnership between the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation aims to address these challenges by enhancing the framework for sustainability reporting in these regions. In this blog, we’ll look at how this partnership might affect sustainability reporting in developing economies in the future. 

IFC: Championing Private Sector Development

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, focuses on advancing economic development by encouraging the growth of the private sector in developing countries. Through investment and advisory services, the IFC aims to create markets and opportunities where they are needed most. Its initiatives often include promoting sustainable practices, and recognizing that long-term economic growth must be environmentally and socially responsible. 

IFRS Foundation: Setting Global Standards

The IFRS Foundation oversees the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which develops IFRS Standards. These standards are used globally to ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency in financial markets. In recent years, the IFRS Foundation has expanded its scope to include sustainability reporting, recognizing the growing demand for comprehensive ESG disclosures. 


The New Partnership: Goals and Objectives

The partnership between the IFC and the IFRS Foundation is poised to leverage the strengths of both organizations to improve sustainability reporting in emerging markets. The collaboration focuses on several key objectives: 

Developing Global Standards for Sustainability Reporting

One of the primary goals is to create globally accepted sustainability reporting standards. These standards will provide a consistent and comparable framework for companies to report their ESG impacts, enabling investors and other stakeholders to make informed decisions. 

Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

The partnership aims to build capacity in emerging markets by providing technical assistance and training to local entities. This support will help businesses and regulators understand and implement the new standards effectively. 

Promoting Transparency and Accountability

By enhancing the quality of sustainability reporting, the partnership seeks to promote greater transparency and accountability. This will not only benefit investors but also contribute to the overall economic stability and sustainability of emerging markets. 

Facilitating Access to Capital

Improved sustainability reporting can enhance the attractiveness of emerging markets to international investors. By providing clear and reliable ESG information, companies in these regions can gain better access to capital, fostering economic growth and development. 

Implications for Sustainability Reporting in Emerging Markets 

The partnership between the IFC and the IFRS Foundation is set to bring about significant changes in how sustainability reporting is conducted in emerging markets. Here are some of the potential implications: 

Standardization and Comparability

The development of global sustainability reporting standards will ensure that companies in emerging markets report their ESG impacts in a consistent and comparable manner. This standardization will make it easier for investors to assess and compare the sustainability performance of different companies, facilitating better investment decisions. 

Enhanced Credibility and Trust

Adopting globally recognized standards will enhance the credibility of sustainability reports from emerging markets. Investors and other stakeholders will have greater confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the disclosed information, leading to increased trust in these markets. 

Improved Risk Management

Comprehensive sustainability reporting helps companies identify and manage ESG risks more effectively. By adhering to the new standards, businesses in emerging markets can better understand their environmental and social impacts, leading to improved risk management and long-term sustainability. 

Increased Investor Interest

With standardized and reliable ESG information, emerging markets will become more attractive to international investors. This increased interest can lead to greater inflows of capital, supporting economic growth and development in these regions. 

Regulatory Alignment

The partnership will likely influence local regulators to align their sustainability reporting requirements with the global standards developed by the IFRS Foundation. This alignment will reduce the reporting burden on companies and ensure a more streamlined and efficient reporting process. 


Challenges and Considerations

While the partnership between the IFC and the IFRS Foundation holds great promise, several challenges and considerations must be addressed to ensure its success: 

Capacity and Resource Constraints

Emerging markets often face capacity and resource constraints that can hinder the effective implementation of new reporting standards. The partnership must prioritize capacity-building initiatives to ensure that local entities have the necessary skills and resources to adopt the standards. 

Diverse Economic and Regulatory Environments

Emerging markets are characterized by diverse economic and regulatory environments, which can complicate the adoption of uniform reporting standards. The partnership must consider these variations and provide flexible solutions that can be adapted to different contexts. 

Balancing Global Standards with Local Relevance

While global standards are essential for comparability, they must also be relevant to the local context. The partnership should ensure that the developed standards consider the unique challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in emerging markets. 

Stakeholder Engagement

Successful implementation of the new standards will require the active engagement of various stakeholders, including businesses, regulators, investors, and civil society. The partnership must facilitate ongoing dialogue and collaboration to build consensus and support for the standards. 


The Role of Technology in Enhancing Sustainability Reporting

Technology will play a crucial role in the successful implementation of the new sustainability reporting standards in emerging markets. Here are some ways in which technology can support this process: 

Data Collection and Management 

Advanced data collection and management tools can streamline the reporting process, making it easier for companies to gather and analyze ESG data. These tools can also ensure data accuracy and consistency, enhancing the reliability of sustainability reports. 

Automation and Efficiency 

Automation can reduce the time and effort required for sustainability reporting. By automating data collection, analysis, and reporting processes, companies can improve efficiency and focus on strategic sustainability initiatives. 

Blockchain for Transparency and Trust 

Blockchain technology can enhance transparency and trust in sustainability reporting by providing a secure and immutable record of ESG data. This can help prevent data manipulation and ensure the integrity of reported information. 

Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics can provide valuable insights into ESG risks and opportunities. These technologies can help companies identify trends, assess potential impacts, and develop proactive strategies to address sustainability challenges. 



The partnership between the IFC and the IFRS Foundation represents a significant step forward for sustainability reporting in emerging markets. By developing global standards, providing technical assistance, and promoting transparency, this collaboration has the potential to transform how businesses in these regions report their ESG impacts. While challenges remain, the benefits of improved sustainability reporting are clear: enhanced credibility, better risk management, increased investor interest, and alignment with global best practices.  

As emerging markets continue to grow and develop, robust sustainability reporting will be crucial in ensuring their economic and environmental sustainability. The IFC and IFRS Foundation’s partnership is a promising initiative that can help pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Are you ready to seize the potential of ESG reporting and chart a course towards a more sustainable future?

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