The Impact of LEPA’s FERC Case Victory on Regulatory Standards

August 7, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0

The recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia represents a landmark moment for the Liquid Energy Pipeline Association (LEPA) and the broader pipeline industry. The court’s decision to overturn the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) 2022 action to modify indexed pipeline rates has significant implications for pipeline operators and underscores the importance of adhering to procedural fairness in regulatory processes. 


Background of the Case

The dispute began with FERC’s process for calculating indexed pipeline rates, which are critical for determining the fees pipeline operators can charge for transporting essential liquid products like crude oil, refined petroleum products, and natural gas liquids (NGLs). In 2020, FERC undertook a comprehensive review of the oil pipeline index, a process that included public notice and comment. This review resulted in an order published in the Federal Register setting a new index, which was effective from February 16, 2021. 

However, in January 2022, following a shift in FERC’s leadership, the Commission issued a Rehearing Order that significantly reduced the previously set index. This move, made without the customary public notice and comment period, prompted LEPA to challenge the decision in court. LEPA argued that FERC’s actions violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), which mandates that federal agencies must provide notice and allow for public input before implementing substantial changes. 

The Court’s Ruling and Its Implications

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia sided with LEPA, ruling that FERC had failed to comply with the APA’s procedural requirements. The court found that FERC’s 2022 Rehearing Order was invalid because it bypassed the necessary public notice and comment period. As a result, the court vacated the Rehearing Order and reinstated the 2020 index as the legally effective rate. 


What This Means for Pipeline Operators

  1. Stability and Predictability

The reinstatement of the 2020 index provides pipeline operators with a stable and predictable regulatory environment. This stability is crucial for long-term operational planning and financial forecasting. Pipeline operators can now rely on the 2020 index rates for budgeting purposes, without the concern of sudden, unannounced changes. This predictability is essential for managing operational costs and making informed investment decisions. 

  1. Enhanced Operational Planning

With the 2020 index back in effect, pipeline operators can proceed with their operations with greater confidence. The certainty provided by the reinstated index allows operators to plan their activities and allocate resources more effectively. This stability supports efficient service delivery and helps maintain the reliability of pipeline operations. 

  1. Regulatory Compliance and Fairness

The court’s decision reinforces the importance of adhering to procedural requirements in regulatory actions. For pipeline operators, this means that FERC and other regulatory bodies must follow established processes, including providing notice and soliciting public comment, before making significant changes. This adherence to procedural fairness helps ensure that regulatory decisions are transparent and just, reducing the risk of arbitrary or unfair actions. 

  1. Restoring Public Trust

By upholding the requirement for public notice and comment, the court’s ruling helps restore trust in the regulatory process. For pipeline operators, this means operating within a framework that values transparency and stakeholder input. Building and maintaining public trust is vital for fostering positive relationships with stakeholders and ensuring the long-term success of pipeline projects. 



The recent court ruling in favor of LEPA is a significant victory for the pipeline industry, reaffirming the importance of procedural fairness and transparency in regulatory actions. The reinstatement of the 2020 index provides pipeline operators with much-needed stability and predictability, supporting effective operational planning and financial management. 

In this context, IRIS CARBON® emerges as a valuable tool for streamlining FERC reporting and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. By automating compliance processes, providing real-time updates, and enhancing data accuracy, IRIS CARBON® helps pipeline operators navigate the complexities of regulatory reporting with greater ease and confidence. 

As the industry continues to evolve, leveraging advanced solutions like IRIS CARBON® can help pipeline operators stay ahead of regulatory requirements and focus on their core business objectives. This court victory not only highlights the importance of fair regulatory practices but also underscores the role of technology in supporting efficient and compliant operations in the energy sector. 

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