Stay Ahead in 2024: The Ultimate Checklist to Preventing the 7 Errors in ESEF Filings

January 20, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0

As we go into the year 2024, the Electronic Single European Format (ESEF) continues to play a significant role in revolutionizing the way financial reporting is done for companies that are listed on European stock exchanges. For the purpose of ensuring that the process of filing for an ESEF goes smoothly and accurately, it is absolutely necessary for financial experts to be well-prepared and attentive. It is crucial to have a comprehensive awareness of the complexities involved with ESEF filings, regardless of whether you are a novice or an experienced professional. A comprehensive checklist that is intended to assist you in avoiding seven frequent errors that are seen in ESEF filings is provided in this blog post. 

Evolution of ESEF Reporting

In order to have a complete understanding of the issues that organizations will encounter in 2024, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the evolution of ESEF reporting. The Electronic Single European Format was developed with the intention of standardizing financial reporting within the European Union. It does this by utilizing XBRL, which stands for extensible business reporting language, in order to improve the accessibility and transparency of financial information. ESEF has been subjected to a number of upgrades and adjustments ever since it was first established. These changes are a reflection of the constantly changing nature of both regulatory frameworks and financial markets.  

As we get closer to the year 2024, we are required to become accustomed to the most recent modifications and futureproofing tips for ESEF regulations and technical improvements in order to guarantee a seamless transition in their reporting procedures. 

The Significance of Accurate ESEF Filings

ESEF filings that are accurate go beyond merely complying with regulations; they are essential to promoting investor confidence, maintaining a positive business image, and facilitating effective communication between companies and stakeholders.  

When ESEF reports contain errors, not only do they expose the organization to the possibility of regulatory inspection, but they also have an effect on the credibility and dependability of financial information. In this day and age, when investors and regulators are demanding real-time, transparent, and standardized financial data, the significance of correct ESEF filings becomes even more evident. Within the broader context of corporate governance, investor relations, and regulatory compliance, this section highlights the vital role that accurate ESEF filings play in the overall picture. 

Technological Innovations Shaping ESEF Reporting

The landscape of financial reporting is continuously influenced by technological developments, and ESEF reporting is not an exception to this rule when it comes to reporting. An examination of the cutting-edge technologies that will have an impact on the ESEF reporting procedure in 2024 is presented in this section. A wide variety of technologies, ranging from cloud-based collaboration platforms to advanced tagging tools and validation systems driven by artificial intelligence, are available to organizations. These technologies have the potential to simplify the process of filing for ESEF contributions. The adoption of these innovations is not only an issue of efficiency, but it is also an essential approach for reducing errors and improving the general quality of ESEF reports. 

The Challenges of ESEF Reporting in 2024

In light of the fact that we have discussed the evolution of ESEF reporting throughout the course of time, as well as its meaning and the technological aspects of its operation, it is now time to discuss the challenges that companies can encounter in the year 2024. Before we get into the specifics, it is essential to point out that not all errors made by the ESEF are classified as being of equal significance. Mistakes, inconsistencies, and indications are the three categories that fall under this category. There is a possibility that your financial report will not be accepted if it contains errors; nevertheless, there are indications and discrepancies that will alert you to the fact that you need to investigate something further.  

Now, let’s take a look at seven errors that need to be avoided at all costs when working with ESEF files. For you to be successful in addressing these issues, you need to be proactive and knowledgeable. This will ensure that firms are prepared to deal with complexity and maintain compliance in an environment that is always changing, which is the context in which financial reporting takes place. When it comes to the most significant issues that financial specialists need to be aware of as they begin to report to the ESEF in the year 2024, let’s have a conversation about them.

1. Incorrect Use of Signs

When reporting financial accounts in XBRL, one of the most common mistakes that can be made is to employ signs in the wrong way. XBRL determines values based on the definition of the idea, in contrast to traditional reporting, which assigns values a positive or negative value based on the contribution they make to a statement. For instance, in traditional reports, the Cost of Sales, which is a factor that lowers Gross Profit, is typically shown as a negative value, however in XBRL, it is reported as a positive value. Signs that are assigned incorrectly can result in information that is deceptive and can cause warnings to be triggered during validation.

2. Inconsistent Duplicates 

Inconsistencies occur when the same fact is reported in numerous areas of your financial report with different values. This might lead to confusing information. Despite the fact that it is legal to tag the same fact numerous times, inconsistent duplicates can lead to misunderstanding among the community. A good example of anything that raises doubts regarding accuracy is the fact that one section reports the net cash flow from investment operations as 23,001, while another section reports it as 23,002. In order to deliver transparent reporting, it is essential to guarantee consistency among identical facts.  

3. Calculation Inconsistencies

There are mathematical errors inside your report, which are shown by calculation inconsistencies. Even while these problems could be the result of calculation mistakes, the most prevalent cause is a mistake in rounding the numbers. Because XBRL does not differentiate between rounding errors in reports that are accurate to varying degrees, it considers any irregularity to be a cause for concern. While it is important to avoid preventing positive validation, it is also important to properly check for mathematical anomalies in order to eliminate the possibility of errors.  

4. Hidden Transformable Facts

A visual layer and a technical layer are component parts of an iXBRL file, which includes an ESEF report, for example. When it comes to the hidden portion, only the facts that are present in the technical layer are considered. However, not all facts are qualified to be located in the hidden area; the only facts that should be concealed are those that do not contain any transformation rules in the Transformation Rules Registry (TRR). The assumption that all monetary values are capable of being transformed streamlines this process and eliminates difficulties that are not essential.  

5. Redundant Labels

ESEF reporting places an emphasis on the utilisation of base taxonomy elements, and extensions are only utilised when they are absolutely necessary. As can be observed in some of the 2020 ESEF files, the process of redefining base taxonomy elements in extension taxonomies might result in the creation of redundant labels. Despite the fact that these modifications may be made with the intention of enhancing clarity, they result in a greater report size and reduce transparency. If it is not absolutely necessary, it is recommended to stick to the elements of the base taxonomy.  

6. Inaccurate Dates of the Balance

When it comes to XBRL reporting, errors in tagging facts with the incorrect date are rather typical, particularly when it comes to yearly reports contained in ESEF. There is a great deal of uncertainty caused by the differences between opening balances and closing balances, particularly with regard to balance dates. Balance dates are interpreted by XBRL as the date that comes after the business has closed for the day. It is necessary to use the date of the previous day when reporting opening balances. This ensures that the report has an accurate picture of the situation.  

7. Incorrect Package Name

It is possible for naming conventions to constitute a barrier, particularly when downloading or exporting the final ESEF report file. Parentheses and numbers that are generated by the browser at the end of file names have the potential to break the consistency of directories. To avoid this problem, it is essential to check that the name of the zip file corresponds to the directories included within it. Simply removing the characters that were added is all that is required to cure this common issue.  

IRIS CARBON® for ESEF Reporting

To thrive in the era of ESEF iXBRL Block Tagging, organizations can adopt proactive strategies. This may include investing in software tools that simplify tagging processes, staying abreast of regulatory updates, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in financial reporting practices. Software solutions like IRIS CARBON®’s ESEF iXBRL reporting solution is tailored to alleviate these pressures. From creating annual reports with updated narratives to expert XBRL tagging that retains your report’s stylization, every step is streamlined for precision. 

The platform ensures ESEF compliance and enhances data quality and presentation. With built-in validation tools, an inclusive review process, and end-to-end submission assistance, IRIS CARBON® prioritizes accuracy, quality, and ease. Dive deeper into our complete ESEF reporting guide to unlock the full benefits of partnering with us.  


In the realm of ESEF filings, awareness and attention to detail are paramount. Steering clear of these seven common errors ensures a smoother filing process and enhances the accuracy and transparency of your annual financial report. Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned professional, this guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of ESEF reporting in 2024 and beyond. 

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