Navigating FERC Filing Deadlines in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

March 4, 2024by Chinmayi Patil0

Meeting filing deadlines is of the utmost importance in the intricate realm of energy regulation. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) ensures dependability, efficiency, and equitable rates through its oversight of interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. A comprehensive comprehension of FERC filing deadlines is critical for energy sector stakeholders in order to ensure adherence to regulations and actively engage in regulatory proceedings. The purpose of this exhaustive manual is to furnish a synopsis, foundational knowledge, and practical advice for effectively managing the FERC filing deadlines in 2024.  

Understanding FERC’s Regulatory Background and Mandate  

A separate regulatory body inside the United States Department of Energy, FERC has been in operation since 1977. Hydroelectric projects, wholesale power markets, oil and natural gas pipelines, and pipelines transporting other types of energy are all within its purview. Setting prices, guaranteeing fair competition, licensing projects, and enforcing compliance with laws are all part of FERC’s regulatory responsibilities 

The Federal Power Act, the Energy Policy Act, and the Natural Gas Act are among the acts that provide the rules and regulations within which FERC functions. The timely submission of certain documents is necessary to ensure compliance with these laws. These filings include tariff changes, rate cases, applications for market-based rates, environmental reports, and compliance filings.  

 FERC Filing Deadlines for the year 2024

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has released the filing deadlines for the year 2024 on its official website. We have consolidated all form types and listed the annual calendar for both annual and quarterly forms below for your reference to plan and schedule accordingly. 

Annual Forms  Filing Deadline Q4-2023 
Electric Companies 
Form 1  April 18, 2024 
Form 1-F  April 18, 2024 
Form 714  June 1, 2024 
Natural Gas Companies 
Form 2  April 18, 2024 
Form 2-A  April 18, 2024 
Oil Pipeline Companies 
Form 6  April 18, 2024 
Centralized Service Companies 
Form 60  May 1, 2024 


Quarterly Forms  Entity Type  Filing Deadline 2024 
Q1(Jan-Mar)  Q2(Apr-Jun)  Q3(Jul-Sep) 
Electric Companies 
Form 1-3Q  Major  May 30, 2024  August 29, 2024  November 29, 2024 
Non-Major  June 10, 2024   September 9, 2024  December 11, 2024 
Natural Gas Companies 
Form 2-3Q  Major  May 30, 2024  August 29, 2024  November 29, 2024 
Non-Major  June 10, 2024  September 9, 2024  December 11, 2024 
Oil Pipeline Companies 
Form 6Q  No bifurcation exists  June 10, 2024  September 9, 2024  December 11, 2024 


To check this on the FERC website, below are the links to the respective form types

Click here for Form 1,1F, 3Q Electric, 714 

Click here for Form 2, 2A, 3Q Gas 

Click here for Form 6, 6Q 

Click here for Form 60 

Tips for Filing

  • Know Your Deadlines- FERC imposes specific deadlines for different types of filings, which vary depending on the nature of the submission and the regulatory requirements. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with these deadlines well in advance and establish internal processes to ensure timely preparation and submission of filings. 
  • Use Electronic Filing- FERC has transitioned to an electronic filing system through its eLibrary platform. Utilizing electronic filing not only expedites the submission process but also provides confirmation of receipt and facilitates easier access to filed documents. 
  • Plan Ahead- Anticipate upcoming filing requirements and allocate sufficient time and resources for preparation. Complex filings, such as rate cases or license applications, may require extensive data gathering, analysis, and coordination with stakeholders. Planning ahead helps mitigate the risk of missing deadlines. 
  • Seek Legal and Regulatory Guidance- Given the intricacies of FERC regulations, seeking legal counsel or consulting with regulatory experts can provide invaluable assistance in navigating filing requirements, interpreting regulations, and ensuring compliance. 
  • Maintain Documentation- Keep thorough records of all communications, filings, and supporting documentation related to FERC submissions. This documentation not only serves as a reference for future filings but also provides evidence of compliance in the event of audits or inquiries. 
  • Monitor Regulatory Developments- Stay informed about changes in FERC regulations, policy guidance, and precedents that may impact filing requirements or deadlines. Proactively adapting to regulatory developments helps avoid surprises and ensures continued compliance. 
  • Utilize Software Solutions- Consider leveraging specialized software solutions like IRIS CARBON® to streamline the filing process. These tools offer features such as automated data validation, document creation, and submission tracking, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in compliance efforts. 

Don’t miss your deadline with IRIS CARBON®

With our seamless features, we save time for FERC Reporting submissions each quarter. IRIS CARBON®’s FERC filing solution consists of intuitive features that allow filers to upload data and validate efficiently.  

Our built-in validation checks alert filers regarding incorrect data uploads as soon as it is updated on the platform. You can get a clear idea of such errors even before validating your report as per FERC rules. These errors are set as per the form type and all the XBRL guidelines are taken care of by the platform. No need for any manual tagging or XBRL knowledge. This not only saves time but also prevents you from reporting invalid facts in the filing. 

Additionally, our top-notch XBRL expert support services are available 24/7 to assist filers with all their queries, help solve validation errors, and comply with all your regulatory requirements. 

Our customer stories

Click here to see one of the customer reviews for our product and services on Gartner Peer Insights. 

Black Hills Corporation, an electric utility, meets FERC XBRL reporting requirements with a Cost and time-effective Edge using IRIS CARBON®. Click here to learn more about their seamless transition to the software and experience. 


Navigating FERC filing deadlines requires diligence, attention to detail, and a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements. By staying informed, planning, and leveraging available resources, stakeholders can effectively manage their regulatory obligations and participate meaningfully in the energy regulatory process. As we move through 2024, adherence to FERC filing deadlines remains essential for promoting transparency, accountability, and reliability in the energy sector. 


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