IRIS CARBON®: Pioneering ESG Reporting with Rapid Adoption of EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy

September 13, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0

The Significance of the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy 

On August 30, 2024, a significant milestone was reached in the world of ESG reporting with the publication of the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy. This taxonomy is designed to standardize the reporting of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information, making it easier for investors, stakeholders, and regulators to compare and analyze corporate sustainability performance. 

The EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy is a crucial step towards creating a more transparent and comparable ESG reporting landscape. By providing a common framework for reporting ESG data, it enables investors to make informed decisions and facilitates better corporate accountability. 


IRIS CARBON®: A Leader in ESG Reporting Innovation 

IRIS CARBON®, a leading provider of ESG reporting solutions, has once again demonstrated its commitment to innovation by being the first platform to adopt and implement the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy. This rapid integration showcases IRIS CARBON® ‘s dedication to staying at the forefront of ESG reporting and providing businesses with the most up-to-date tools to meet evolving regulatory requirements. 

What Does This Mean for Reporting Professionals? 

The adoption of the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy offers significant benefits for reporting professionals: 

  • Standardization and Comparability: The taxonomy provides a common language for ESG reporting, making it easier to compare and analyze data across different companies and industries. 
  • Enhanced Transparency: By using the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy, companies can improve the transparency of their ESG disclosures, building trust with investors and stakeholders. 
  • Improved Decision-Making: Access to standardized ESG data enables investors and other stakeholders to make more informed decisions based on a company’s sustainability performance. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: The EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy is expected to become a key reference point for future ESG regulations, making it essential for companies to adopt. 


How IRIS CARBON® Can Help 

IRIS CARBON® ‘s platform is designed to simplify the process of ESG reporting, even with the introduction of new taxonomies like the EFRAG ESRS SET 1. Key benefits of using IRIS CARBON® include: 

  • Seamless Integration: The platform seamlessly integrates with the EFRAG ESRS SET 1 Taxonomy, ensuring that businesses can easily adopt and utilize it. 
  • Automation and Efficiency: IRIS CARBON® ‘s automation features streamline the ESG reporting process, saving time and resources. 
  • Data Quality and Integrity: The platform ensures data accuracy and consistency, providing reliable information for ESG disclosures. 
  • Regulatory Updates: IRIS CARBON® stays up-to-date with the latest regulatory developments, ensuring that businesses remain compliant. 

By choosing IRIS CARBON®, reporting professionals can benefit from a powerful and efficient platform that simplifies ESG reporting, enhances transparency, and helps businesses meet their regulatory obligations.


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