ESEF and Climate Disclosure: Aligning with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

October 11, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON0


The European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are two critical initiatives aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability in financial reporting. ESEF mandates the use of a standardized electronic format for the annual financial reports of public companies listed on regulated markets within the European Union. TCFD, on the other hand, provides a framework for companies to disclose climate-related financial information. While these initiatives may seem distinct, they are interconnected, as climate change poses significant financial risks and opportunities for businesses. This blog post will explore the relationship between ESEF and TCFD, discuss the importance of climate disclosure, and delve into how IRIS CARBON® can assist companies in aligning with both frameworks. 


Understanding ESEF 

ESEF was introduced in 2019 to improve the quality, comparability, and efficiency of financial reporting. By requiring companies to adopt a standardized electronic format, ESEF aims to enhance transparency, reduce costs, and facilitate data analysis. The format used for ESEF reporting is XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), which allows for the structured and machine-readable presentation of financial information. 


The Importance of Climate Disclosure 

Climate change is a global challenge with far-reaching implications for businesses. It poses significant financial risks, including physical risks (such as extreme weather events) and transition risks (related to policy changes and technological advancements). To assess these risks and opportunities, investors and other stakeholders need access to reliable and comparable climate-related financial information. This is where TCFD comes into play.


TCFD Framework 

The TCFD framework provides a set of recommendations for companies to disclose climate-related financial information. It is designed to help companies identify and assess climate-related risks and opportunities, develop strategies to address them and disclose the information to investors and other stakeholders. The TCFD framework consists of four pillars: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. 


Alignment of ESEF and TCFD 

While ESEF and TCFD are separate initiatives, they are closely related. ESEF provides the standardized format for financial reporting, while TCFD provides the framework for disclosing climate-related information. By aligning with both frameworks, companies can ensure that their financial reports are both transparent and climate-sensitive. 

Key Areas of Alignment 

  • Governance: Both ESEF and TCFD emphasize the importance of strong governance structures. ESEF requires companies to have adequate internal controls and oversight mechanisms, while TCFD recommends the establishment of a board-level committee to oversee climate-related matters. 
  • Strategy: ESEF requires companies to disclose their business strategies, including how they plan to address climate-related risks and opportunities. TCFD encourages companies to develop climate-related scenarios and assess their potential impact on their business. 
  • Risk Management: Both ESEF and TCFD focus on risk management. ESEF requires companies to disclose their risk management processes, while TCFD recommends the identification and assessment of climate-related risks and opportunities. 
  • Metrics and Targets: TCFD encourages companies to set climate-related targets and disclose their progress towards achieving them. ESEF requires companies to disclose key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to their business. 


The Role of IRIS CARBON®

  • IRIS CARBON® can play a crucial role in helping companies align with both ESEF and TCFD. The platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services to support financial reporting, including: 
  • ESEF compliance: IRIS CARBON® can help companies ensure compliance with ESEF regulations by providing guidance on tagging and validation. 
  • Climate disclosure: IRIS CARBON® can assist companies in identifying and assessing climate-related risks and opportunities, developing climate-related scenarios, and setting climate-related targets. 
  • Data management: IRIS CARBON® can help companies manage their financial data efficiently and effectively, ensuring that it is accurate, reliable, and comparable. 
  • Reporting automation: IRIS CARBON® can automate many of the tasks involved in financial reporting, saving time and reducing errors. 


ESEF and TCFD are two important initiatives that are driving transparency and accountability in financial reporting. By aligning with both frameworks, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and enhance their reputation with investors and other stakeholders. IRIS CARBON can provide valuable support to companies seeking to achieve compliance with both ESEF and TCFD. 


Unlock the key to effective climate-related financial disclosures with ESEF and TCFD alignment.

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