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Unleash New Opportunities with IRIS CARBON®

Discover how our partnership can drive your growth in booming
Disclosure Management market.

Discover the possibilities:

Innovative Market Leader
We set the pace in Disclosure Management with innovative, Office 365-based solutions.
Award-Winning Software
Highly acclaimed by platforms like G2, our software excels in user satisfaction, ease of use, and more.
Proven Success in Diverse Industries
We have effectively enhanced compliance and reporting across multiple sectors.
Unique Partnership Opportunities
Partner with IRIS CARBON® to improve LTV and enhance growth.
Collaborative & Integrated Solutions
We offer seamless, integrated solutions for efficient narrative reporting and data management.
Commitment to Mutual Growth
Partnerships are synonymous with collective progress at IRIS CARBON®.

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Trusted by Esteemed Customers
G2 High Performer Summer
G2 fall
SAAS Awards

Our Customer Stories

The Carbon platform makes it really easy to prepare and disclose our reports in the way the SEC requires. It is pretty intuitive, similar to most text editing tools.
Angélica Miguel dos Santos
Accounting Team
A great product with excellent customer support. The product supports both self-service mode and hands-off outsourcing mode.
Narsi Narayanan
Senior Vice President of Finance
Cyber Optics
Very intuitive product with an excellent document editor, version management, and compare feature. An excellent transition workshop and an extremely helpful support team helped us transition smoothly from our current processes to the platform!
Lisa DeMaster
Assistant Controller
I want to thank you for all your support in the process of preparing Natura’s XBRL in record time. It was a big challenge, but with your commitment and the whole team to adjust the XBRL in less than a week, we managed to achieve a very important goal for the company.
Bruno Zarella
Natura & Co

We Are Members of Various XBRL Jurisdictions


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