Getting Ready for the ESMA ESEF iXBRL Mandate

A presentation for every ESEF filer who wants to comply with the ESMA ESEF iXBRL mandate.

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This presentation will introduce you to the ESMA ESEF mandate and the iXBRL format. An in-depth explanation of iXBRL will help you understand the new format well for smooth reporting. You will also get actionable tips to start with ESEF iXBRL mandate via suitable examples. Also, get ready for your reporting by learning the proper steps to adopt for creating the iXBRL document.

This presentation will cover:

  • Introduction to ESMA ESEF mandate
  • iXBRL - An explanation
  • A look at an iXBRL document
  • What does it take to create an iXBRL document
  • Next steps for you to get ready for ESEF
  • And more.

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