Preparing Quality Annual Reports Under the ESEF Mandate

Download this ebook to learn how to create high-quality annual reports to comply with the ESEF mandate.

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Preparing Quality Annual Reports Under the ESEF Mandate

An ebook highlighting the crucial factors that can help you prepare high-quality annual reports while complying with the ESMA ESEF mandate. Download now to learn all about essential aspects like the quality checklist for the instance document, company taxonomy, etc.

One can also learn about the scope of the ESEF mandate, how to pick the proper tags, how to use extension elements well, use the correct tag attributes, etc. These tips can influence your ESEF filing in the right way so that you can comply seamlessly with the mandate.

Download this ebook to learn more about:

  • Scope of the ESEF mandate
  • Phases of the ESEF mandate
  • Quality Checklist for Instance Document
  • How to pick the correct tags?
  • Anchoring the extension elements
  • Presentation, Calculation, Definition, and Label linkbases
  • And more.

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ESEF Mandate