All registered companies in Italy are required to submit annual financial reports in XBRL format to the Italian Chambers of Commerce through the InfoCamere portal. The companies are required to use XBRL elements from the Italian GAAP taxonomy to tag their financial data and convert it into the digital format.
To comply with the Chamber of Commerce XBRL mandate, Italian companies need to tag the numbers in their financial statements and block-tag the notes to accounts.
The Italian GAAP taxonomy supports a fixed set of financial disclosures. Companies may leave untagged any information for which there is no available taxonomy element.
Italian companies filing XBRL reports through the InfoCamere portal need to choose a software solution that simplifies the digital tagging process and enables their reports to clear validation checks. Companies need to emphasized high-quality XBRL report preparation.
Companies may even opt to outsource XBRL tagging to service providers. However, companies must ensure that they are able to review their XBRL annual reports before they are submitted. Through the review process, companies can sign-off on their XBRL reports before submission.
Apart from InfoCamere XBRL reporting, we facilitate ESEF reporting in the EU, UKSEF and HMRC iXBRL filings in the UK, iXBRL filings with the US SEC, XBRL filings with the US energy regulator FERC, and iXBRL filings with South Africa’s CIPC.
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