ESMA’s 2024 ESEF Reporting Manual and Important RTS Amendments Explained

August 6, 2024by Team IRIS CARBON

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) continues to refine its guidelines and regulations to enhance transparency, comparability, and efficiency in financial reporting within the European Union. The 2024 update to the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) Reporting Manual and key amendments to the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) mark significant steps towards achieving these goals. This blog delves into the updated ESEF Reporting Manual and the critical RTS amendments, offering an in-depth understanding of their implications for market participants. 

Overview of the ESEF Reporting Manual

The ESEF Reporting Manual provides detailed guidance on preparing annual financial reports in the ESEF format. ESEF is a digital reporting framework that mandates the use of inline XBRL (iXBRL), a technology that embeds XBRL data into HTML documents, making financial statements both human-readable and machine-readable. This dual-format approach aims to enhance the usability and accessibility of financial data. 

The 2024 update to the ESEF Reporting Manual includes several key enhancements and clarifications designed to address implementation challenges and improve the overall quality of digital financial reports. These updates are a result of feedback from stakeholders and continuous efforts by ESMA to adapt to evolving market needs. 

Key Updates in the 2024 ESEF Reporting Manual

Enhanced Guidance on Tagging: One of the critical updates in the 2024 manual is the enhanced guidance on tagging financial information. This includes more detailed instructions on how to tag primary financial statements and notes. The aim is to ensure consistency and accuracy in the tagging process, which is crucial for the reliability of digital financial reports. 

Improved Error Handling Procedures: The new manual provides clearer guidelines on how to handle and rectify errors in ESEF reports. This includes a step-by-step approach to identifying and correcting tagging mistakes, ensuring that errors do not compromise the integrity of the financial data. 

Additional Validation Rules: To further enhance data quality, ESMA has introduced additional validation rules in the 2024 manual. These rules are designed to detect common errors and inconsistencies in ESEF reports, helping issuers to produce more accurate and reliable financial statements. 

Clarifications on Taxonomy Extensions: The updated manual offers more comprehensive guidance on creating and using taxonomy extensions. These extensions are necessary when the standard ESEF taxonomy does not fully capture specific financial reporting elements unique to certain issuers. The clarifications aim to ensure that extensions are used appropriately and consistently. 

Detailed Technical Specifications: The 2024 manual includes updated technical specifications for preparing ESEF reports. This covers aspects such as file formats, naming conventions, and submission procedures. The goal is to streamline the reporting process and reduce the risk of technical issues during submission. 


Important RTS Amendments

In conjunction with the updates to the ESEF Reporting Manual, ESMA has also introduced important amendments to the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS). These amendments are aimed at further aligning the ESEF requirements with evolving market practices and technological advancements. 

Mandatory Tagging of Notes to Financial Statements: One of the significant RTS amendments is the mandatory tagging of notes to financial statements. Previously, tagging was only required for primary financial statements. This change ensures that more detailed financial information is digitally accessible and comparable, enhancing the overall transparency of financial reports. 

Updated Taxonomy: The RTS amendments include an updated ESEF taxonomy, which incorporates the latest International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) taxonomy. This ensures that ESEF reports are aligned with the most recent IFRS updates, providing users with up-to-date financial information. 

Extended Scope of Tagging Requirements: The scope of tagging requirements has been extended to include additional financial statement elements. This includes more granular tagging of disclosures related to financial instruments, leases, and revenue recognition. The extended scope aims to provide a more detailed and comprehensive view of an issuer’s financial position and performance. 

Revised Compliance Deadlines: ESMA has revised the compliance deadlines for the new tagging requirements. Issuers are now required to comply with the updated RTS by the 2024 reporting season. This provides issuers with sufficient time to adapt their reporting processes and ensure compliance with the new requirements. 

Integration with Sustainability Reporting: Recognizing the growing importance of sustainability reporting, the RTS amendments also address the integration of ESEF with the forthcoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). This integration aims to provide a unified reporting framework that covers both financial and sustainability information, promoting greater coherence and comparability. 

Implications for Market Participants

The updates to the ESEF Reporting Manual and the RTS amendments have several important implications for market participants, including issuers, investors, and regulators. 

Increased Transparency and Comparability: The enhanced tagging requirements and additional validation rules will significantly improve the transparency and comparability of financial reports. Investors and analysts will benefit from more detailed and reliable financial data, facilitating better-informed investment decisions. 

Enhanced Data Quality: The updated guidance on error handling and taxonomy extensions will help issuers produce higher-quality financial reports. This, in turn, will enhance the credibility and reliability of financial information available in the market. 

Streamlined Reporting Processes: The detailed technical specifications and improved error-handling procedures will streamline the reporting process for issuers. This will reduce the administrative burden and the risk of technical issues during submission, making the reporting process more efficient. 

Alignment with Global Standards: The updated ESEF taxonomy and integration with sustainability reporting standards ensure that ESEF reports are aligned with global standards. This alignment enhances the comparability of financial reports across jurisdictions and supports the global convergence of financial reporting practices. 

Preparation for Future Reporting Requirements: The revised compliance deadlines provide issuers with sufficient time to adapt their reporting processes and systems to the new requirements. This preparation is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition to the updated ESEF framework and avoiding potential compliance issues. 



The 2024 updates to ESMA’s ESEF Reporting Manual and the key amendments to the RTS represent significant advancements in the digitalization and standardization of financial reporting in the European Union. By enhancing the transparency, comparability, and reliability of financial reports, these updates support the broader goal of improving market efficiency and investor protection. 

Market participants must stay informed about these changes and take proactive steps to ensure compliance with the updated requirements. This includes investing in the necessary technological infrastructure, training staff on the new guidelines, and engaging with stakeholders to address any implementation challenges. 

As the financial reporting landscape continues to evolve, ESMA’s commitment to refining and updating its guidelines and standards will play a crucial role in promoting high-quality and comparable financial information across the European Union. The 2024 ESEF Reporting Manual and RTS amendments are a testament to this ongoing effort, setting the stage for a more transparent and efficient financial reporting environment in the years to come. 



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